My Gran's name is Hazel and one of my fond memories actually involves one of these beauties. I loved our little walks up to the green grocer and butcher to do the shopping. One day she decided that I could choose an ice-cream flavour for the week. I chose Neopolatin! Halfway home as we walked through the cricket feild my Dad used to play on when he was a kid, she let me have a little of it. There we were sitting on the cricket pitch with the bucket between us and me dipping the spoon she had hidden in her handbag. It was great! She had actually unpacked the shopping to get to the tub too. So fruit and veg also around us as I had a little treat.
Then today I stoped in on a thrift store and came out with this basket and all that is inside. All for $6!
what cute buttons!
i dont have a grandma/nanna story but i like the name gladis
i lov that it still has the lid cover
nice fabric it would make a nice skirt
Hey Xena, I couldn't find anywhere to email you but just wanted to let you know that if you're interested in setting up a Brown Owls you just need to email Pip at Meet me at Mikes.
Hope you get to start one up....craft groups are so much fun!
Saw it and immediately thought - 'Delia'. No idea why! It just fits. Pretty but classic, older name but would be funky now.
Nice story about your granmother, I have fond memories of mine too.
Your blue fabric is exactly the same as my pink pillowcase that I made my tote bag from! Are they pillowcases too? Good bargains there :)
Oooh lovely fabric you have there!
My nan's name was Rosie (rosamond) and gosh I have so many memories of her, best would be cleaning her bathroom and getting $5.00 to spend, I'd get to go shopping with her and I'd buy a dolly mag and lollies then go home and stay the night at her place - good times xxx
My nan was a Betty (christened Aileen) We grew up with working parents so lots of holidays with her and Pop- at the beach, camping and so on.
My granmas' names were Hazel Joyce (known as Joyce) and Beryl Gwen! Poor women!
My mum's mother is called Doreen, and my dad's mother was Hilda.
My favourite story of Hilda is about how my uncle would never eat beef, so they had roast 'buffalo' quite often in their house... ;-)
My favourite about Doreen is from a family holiday when I was aged about 4. We took a boat trip and when we returned, poor Nan slipped as she climbed out of the boat and fell into the water! I still have a clear memory of being unsure whether to be scared or laugh... (She was fine by the way!!)
My grandma is my namesake and our name is Ruth. :)
My favorite memory of her is when she came downstairs while we were playing dress-up and let me take a picture of her in an old ratty straw hat.
My mothers mother i never met but i LOVE her name : Dorothy :)
My Granny's name was Vernie (more formally, Verna)...I have tons of memorable experiences to draw from with her. I'd have to say that I owe my crafting today to the things she did with me as a child. One fond memory is making crepe paper roses with her, which she would dip in parafin in order to keep them stable longer, and remove the krinkle of the crepe paper.
Mine are Edna or Muriel. I think that shopping cart looks like an Edna, don't you?!
My gramma was Evelyn Mildred and my Nonnie was Audrey Irene.
I have a lot of sewing and cooking memories with both of them. I actually ended up with both of their sewing machines as well!
Well, my granny was May, Granny May, she died 3 years ago now but she was the best granny ever. My favourite thing she used to do for me was give me jars of lentils and beans, newspaper for paper pokes and her kitchen scales, so that we could play 'shops'. She would let me weigh out beans and wrap them up and we'd exchange newspaper money. I can't even imagine what childhood would have been like without her.... she was also the person who taught me to knit.
I too have fond memories of my Grandma. My Gran's name was Margaret and she was a lovely lovely lady!
I've had fun reading through the comments and seeing all the really old names there. Hilda, Betty & Beryl - such fun names ;).
Marie (my nana's name, pronounced Mar-ree), and we carry it on in the family (it's my daughters, aunts and cousins middle name) using the Marie pronunciation. But I was thinking Flora
My Nana's name is Mavis...! I am just LOVING all the nana names you've collected here - so many that just scream "GRANDMA" but also so many beautiful ones, like Rosie & Hazel.
I don't have any crazy stories about my gran except to say she is still around & hoarding like crazy - she had obviously passed on that gene, and her opshopping legacy has been passed down as well!!
Nanna was Gloria and Grandma was Johanna. Dinner at Grandma's place was a wear your jammies affair for us kids. Being European, she cooked all day and we'd be eating at 10pm! Falling asleep under the table while the menfolk played cards. The later it got, the louder they got!
My dad's mother was named Pauline (Grandpa was Paul...I always get good giggle out of that one) and my mother's mother was named Momoe (mom is Japanese). They both lived far away when I was young but I do remember going to church with Pauline (alot) and shopping with Momoe (once).
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