Monday 12 October 2009

Bit of this bit of that!

Blogtoberfest post day 12 is a mix of things going on here.

Our potatoes are starting to look like they will provide a bumper harvest this year. This time we planted seed potatoes of a few different varieties and stagnated the planting. When we start pulling up some we will start the process over. The feed sack method seems at present to be the best way to go for planting and growing. I have some potatoes going to seed at present. I have on purpose kept a few different potatoes to send to seed. Confuses Brian sometimes as the ones for eating are kept in a calico bag whilst the ones for future planting are in a plastic tray.

On the weekend I found wraped up in paper a couple of cute egg cups that I found at Lawson Markets last month. I think they are adorable and once I get round to refurbashing a kitchenette/sideboard that I bought through ebay a while ago they will great in it. They were hidden away in one my boxes of JazyJae's stock.

Also bought a vintage tea towel that has never been even washed today at Frou Frou.

Plus all four chooks now apear to be laying for us. Jazynthe said she told them to get their act together and start laying more eggs.

Henny our best layer yet she was the smallest when we got her.

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