Sunday, 25 October 2009

What's happening in our backyard!

Well right now it's raining down on all our vegies making them not so thirsty.
However I changed my mind about the location of the chickens area. When ever they are let out to roam about the yard they always head straight to the other side from where they once lived. Probably because there is a lot of shaddy bushes and a few little trees there. So we moved the house and run over to be there instead.

Left behind was beautiful area that had been turned over pretty good. So I bought some organic soil compost. Our compost bins are not ready yet for use. They too need to be moved out from under a tree to a more sunny position. Plus bought some sugar cane mulch and the area was all prepared for planting.

Planted in a few tommies. basil, capsicum and chilli, strawberries, pumpkin and squash. Once these were planted in before the fence got put in the naughty chooks cane and scratched up a small tomato plant and ate it on me. So I went out the next day and bought the supplies needed to put a fence up to keep them out and the bloody dog from pooing all over it too.

Some of the seeds I planted that I got from The Lost seed have sprouted. I did not plant too many as I was hesitant. So now more are planted in readiness to go in the new area and some will go in the old area too.
Next up is preparing the area along the back fence. I want some citrus trees in there with loads of herbs under them. Also want to plant some Luffa and soapwart soo too.


Ididn't take photos of all my new seedlings. Next time.

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