Friday, 2 October 2009

Melbourne Show part 1:

During our time down south in the vibrant Melbourne we went to The Royal melbourne Show on the Friday. It was a dreary day then again so was every other day with little pockets of sunshine ( more so after we left).
After making our way inside after buying our tickets ( much cheaper that The Sydney Royal Easter Show). We headed to The Pets Pavilion....not much there a couple of sleeping puppies a couple of ferrets and then a few cats.  The kids liked it though.

We then went onto the Poultry and Alpaca Pavilion. Jazynthe was intreaged by the Alpacas but was a bit startled by them being startled by her. Got a little giggle from me!

Jazynthe then went nuts once we got around to the chooks section of the pavilion. Squeeling with delight over seeing them, the roosters caught her eye upon which she announced rather sternly and with a very serious look on her face " oh Mum they are roosters and we can't have them" when she saw the Australorps "LOOK LOOK THEY ARE LIKE OURS" jumping up and down in excitement. She then spotted an egg "LOOK LOOK THERE IS AN EGG, EXCUSE ME YOU HAVE AN EGG, YOU NEED TO GET IT OUT" she reaaly loved the look of the Silver Flecked Wyondotte and asked if we could buy one. Lovely little birds they were.....much bigger than ours currently are. Jaedyn also though the chooks were great saying "Chookis chookies" a lot.

After that excitement we headed over the pavilion that housed the Victorian growers and makers produce, all for you to taste and try. Plus we recieved some great free things. Me I spent a lot of my dollars on buying the Show bags from here. Lots of yummy things now in my pantry and on my hips and belly. Jazynthe loved it as she ended up with free strawberry milk, cheesecake flavoured gelato, book, colouring book, stickers, yoghurt and a few others. Plus Daddy bought her the tiniest cupcake. Also we bought a giant doughnout from Bondi Organic Doughnuts. They also had a little mulched garden bed full of potatos for the kids to dig up. Jazynthe thought this was great. She dug up a number of them then replanted all bar two which she plonked into a bag to bring home.

Through all that taste testing and free products lunch was covered with a bit from the bags we bought.

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